衛生署豐原醫院 外科
自從1989,美國國家壓瘡諮詢委員會(National Pres sure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP))與AHCPR發表壓瘡評估系統以來,此工具已成為全世界最廣為使用的壓瘡評估工具之一(Maklebust & Margolis, 1995),此工具也於2007年2月更新為最新版。
根據NPUAP, 1989的定義,壓瘡是骨頭突出處,因受到重壓或剪力或摩擦而導致皮膚及其下方組織的局部受損。
歷史上有許多壓瘡的分期系統被發展出來,最早見於文獻的是1955年由Guttman所發展的,於1975年,Darrell Shea,一位在邁阿密大學的骨外科醫師基於病理學的觀察,及組織傷害的深度,發展出第一套有充分證據支持的壓瘡分期系統,他依據軟組織的傷害來定義每一期,此系統由數字分為四期(grade),I到IV以及一種封閉的壓瘡(closed pressure ulcer,其就如目前所稱呼的深層組織傷害deep tissue injury),Grade I是急性發炎反應,而Grade IV是指傷及筋膜及嚴重的侵蝕undermining。各種分類系統也於1959 被Campbell,於1976被Barton,及在1981,1985被Daniel,Priest和Wheatley三人,及1990被Yarkony-kirk 所發展出來,然而Shea的系統直到1980年代末期都一直是美國最廣為使用的系統。
實際上,Shea classification一共分為五期:
Examination of the Sore | |
acute inflammatory reaction involving all soft tissue layers of the skin with erythema of skin; moist irregular partial thickness ulceration limited to the epidermis exposing the underlying dermis may be present 紅斑及破皮,如NPUAP stage I&II | I |
acute inflammatory reaction involving all soft tissue layers with a full thickness skin ulcer involving the dermis; may extend to but not go into the underlying subcutaneous fat 吃到皮下脂肪,如NPUAP stage III | II |
ulcer extensively involving the subcutaneous fat with undermining of the skin and limited by deep fascia; often necrotic, infected and foul-smelling; patient may be toxic with systemic symptoms 在fascia上方有潛行性傷口,在NPUAP分類上還是stage III | III |
ulcer has penetrated the deep fascia; extensive soft tissue spread, osteomyelitis and/or septic and dislocated joints; patient usually highly toxic 穿過fascia,如NPUAP stage IV | IV |
large cavity draining through a relatively small sinus, typically overlying a bony prominence; with/without muscle and bone involvement 口小洞大,如同現在NPUAP 的DTI stage | closed |
Grade | Treatment |
I | local wound care |
II | local wound care |
III | surgical debridement |
IV | radical surgery |
closed | surgery with wide excision |