1990-1997 MD degree, School of Medicine, China Medical University,
Taichung, Taiwan
2007-2009 MBA degree, Graduate School of
National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
2014-now Ministry of Education Certified Lecturer,
Lecturer No. 110333
Current Position
1999-2003 Resident, Department of Surgery, China Medical University Hospital,
Taichung, Taiwan
2004-2010 Visiting Staff Surgeon, Fong-Yuan Hospital, Department Of Health
Executive Yuan, Taiwan
2010-2016/7 Visiting
Staff Surgeon, Tainan Municipal Hospital, Taiwan
2016/7-now Visiting
Staff Surgeon, Tainan Municipal An-Nan Hospital-China Medical University, Taiwan
Specialty in clinical
nutrition, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chronic ulcer (diabetic foot ulcer,
venous ulcer, pressure injury), negative pressure wound therapy, advanced
dressing, general surgery
- 台灣外科醫學會 專科醫師
- 台灣消化系外科醫學會 專科醫師
- 中華民國高壓氧暨海底醫學會 專科醫師
- 部定講師
2006/04/16 乳房超音波診斷教育課程證明
2006/08/13 雲科大醫療糾紛預防研習營第1期結業證書
2007/05/05 迷你臨床演練評量mini-CEX研習會課程證明
2007/07/02 生命倫理初階師資證明32小時
2013/07/16 ACLS
2011/06/09 ATLS
2008/07/26 人體試驗主持人考試及格8小時
2009/04/26 TOEIC多益英文檢定 570分
2012/12/01臨床研究-GCP 8小時
2013/06/16- 2016/06/15
2014/06/13 部定講師
2014/10/30 臨床試驗GCP教育訓練(二)8小時
2015/07/18 台彎受試者保護「人體試驗講習班」8小時
2017/07/25 撰寫論文應注意的研究倫理與規範:1小時
2018/7/28 西醫PGY-導師研習營完訓學分8小時
2018/11/2 臨床試驗訓練課程:臨床研究利益衝突管理 2小時
2019/5/19 ACLS
2020/06/07 施行細胞治療技術醫師訓練課程學分證明16小時
2020/11/16 中國醫藥中國醫藥大學GCP線上課程6小時
2022/11/20-20261119 ATLS
初階醫療器材臨床試驗教育訓練課程(一) 6小時
2023/03/25 長照共同訓練課程(level1) 18小時
2023/05/04 初階醫療器材臨床試驗教育訓練課程(二)6小時
2023/05/24 GCP訓練4小時證明(醫療器材臨床試驗課程)
2023/07/15 乙類安寧緩和醫療教育訓練課程13小時
2023/07/27 初階醫療器材臨床試驗教育訓練課程 (四)6小時
2023/8/24 初階醫療器材臨床試驗教育訓練課程(五) 6小時
2023/11/06 乙類安寧見習8小時
2024/5/22 GCP_臨床試驗研究倫理與法規訓練課程 4小時
2024/8/22 初階醫療器材臨床試驗教育訓練課程(三) 6小時
2024/11/15 GCP_受試者保護與研究倫理訓練課程 4小時
- 2004/12/8-12 19th World Congress of International Society for Digestive Surgery in Yokohama, Japan
- 2005/4/30-31 7th International Workshop on Hernia Repair, National University Hospital, Singapore
- 2005/10/1-4 11th congress of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia, Seoul, Korea
- 2006/11/29-12/2 20th World Congress of International Society for Digestive Surgery, Rome, Italy
- 2009/10/15 – 17 The 5th International Congress of Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS), Bali, Indonesia
- 2012/9/ 2-6 The 4th WUWHS, 橫濱, Japan,
1. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Chun-Lieh Chen, Hsiu-Ming Lin1; Neglected
Rupture of the Urinary Bladder in a Patient with Tonic-Clonic Seizure and
Mental Retardation; Mid-Taiwan Journal
of Medicine 2006;11:187-9 2006年9月,一個被長期忽略的癲癇合併膀胱破裂案例, 中台灣醫誌
2. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Chun-Lieh Chen,
Hsiu-Ming Lin; Resection Margin in Preventing the Intrahepatic Recurrence after
Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma;
Formosan Journal of Surgery 2007;6:236-42 台灣外科醫學會雜誌
3. Darren
T. Chen, Chun-Ying Chu, Chih-Yi Chen, Hsiu-Ching Yang, Yung-Yen Chiang, Tze-Yi
Lin, I-Ping Chiang, Duen-Yau Chuang, Chao-Chin
Yu and Kuan-Chih Chow: Expression of short form oncostatin M
receptor as a decoy receptor in lung adenocarcinomas. Journal of Pathology 2008, 215: 290–299.
Published online 14 April 2008 in Wiley InterScience. (
4. Chia-lun Wu.; Chao-chin Yu, Amyand's
hernia with adenocarcinoid tumor: A case report; Hernia. 2010 Aug;14(4):423-5. Epub 2009 Sep 12.(SCI 2010 IF:1.627)
6. 游朝慶醫師, 敷料產品與技術趨勢及台灣產業機會分析, 工研院IEK產業情報網 ,
2011/09/30 (
7. Ho YJ, Yu CC. Attitudes of high school and vocational school students toward
breastfeeding in taiwan. J
Perinat Educ. 2014 Spring;23(2):89-95.
8. I-Chih Chen, Chao-Chin Yu, Yi-Hsuan Wu, Elevated
Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Intermediate-Term Outcomes in Patients
Who Have Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease with Peripheral Artery Disease
Receiving Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty, Acta Cardiol Sin. 2016 Sep;
32(5): 532–541.
9. Chou DW, Yu CC. Nontyphoidal Salmonella
Emphysematous Osteomyelitis, Am J Med Sci. 2017 Dec;354(6):635-636. doi:
10.1016/j.amjms.2016.12.011. Epub 2016 Dec 16
疤痕解密-成因、類別與治療選擇(游朝慶 審閱)(2017)臺北:合計 。(原著出版年﹕ 2013 年)
11. Chen CS, Yu CC. Prospective randomized control
study comparing gauze-based with foam-based negative pressure wound therapy for
the stage 4 pressure injuries. Formos J Surg 2018;51:223-7
1. 2011/12/3,負壓於糖尿病足之應用,100年中華民國高壓暨海底醫學會冬季會 – 高壓氧於糖尿病足之臨床應用,彰化秀傳
2. 2011/12/3,抗菌敷料於糖尿病足之應用,100年中華民國高壓暨海底醫學會冬季會 – 高壓氧於糖尿病足之臨床應用,彰化秀傳
2012/3/10, 從醫師角度看傷口照顧之趨勢發展及團隊合作,台灣傷口造口及失禁護理學會會員大會暨學術活動,台北榮總
2012/11/16, 傷造口學會 Wound classification and assessment tools,傷口造口及失禁護理訓練班,台北
2012/11/16 ,傷造口學會 The history and development of wound management,傷口造口及失禁護理訓練班,台北
2012/11/16, 傷造口學會
The cost effectiveness of wound management,傷口造口及失禁護理訓練班,台北
2012/11/24 ,老人傷口照護研討會, 老年人壓瘡傷口照護, 南市醫
2013/06/22, 2013國際傷口造口及失禁護理學術論壇,各類傷口癒合工具介紹及臨床應用,台北
9. 2013/11/17, 皮膚科年會, 急性傷口治療及敷料選擇,林口
10. 2014/08/30, 南市醫傷口照護研討會,慢性傷口輔具
11. 2015/12/11,傷造口學會,輔助性療法
13. 2016/04/22,南區居家護理師成長營,生物膜與慢性傷口,南市醫
研討會論文 (Posters/ oral presentation)
1. Chao-Chin Yu, Mei-Due Yang, TM Yuan, JC Su, KC Lai, CC Yao; Multidisciplinary
approach for the non-colorectal hepatic metastases(NCHM). (台灣外科醫學會 oral
presentation, Mar 2001).
2. Chao-Chin Yu, Mei-Due Yang, TM Yuan, JC Su, KC Lai, CC Yao; Echinococcal
Infection Co-Exited with a HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (台灣外科醫學會oral presentation, Mar 2002)
3. Chao-Chin Yu, Mei-Du Yang
; The prognostic factor and recurrence after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 27, 2005).
4. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, CL Chen, HM Lin; Neglected Rupture of the
Urinary Bladder in a Patient with Tonic-Clonic Seizure and Mental Retardation (台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar
Chao-Chin Yu,
Mei-Du Yang; A 0.5-cm resection margin compared to the traditional 1-cm
margin is no less effective in decreasing the disease free interval after
resection of hepatocellular carcinoma (ISDS羅馬 poster P3.10, Dec 2, 2006)
6. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Mei-Du Yang1 ,Long-Bin
Jeng1; A 0.5-cm resection margin is enough to decrease the recurrence rate
after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma(台灣外科醫學會 oral presentation, Mar 25, 2007)
7. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Mei-Du Yang1 ,Long-Bin Jeng1; Comparison of minor
and major hepatic resection for small
hepatocellular carcinoma(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 24, 2007)
8. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Mei-Du Yang1 ,Long-Bin Jeng1; Effects of
preoperative transcatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization for
hepatocellular carcinoma(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 24, 2007)
9. 游朝慶、吳晉淵、丁宇平,以行銷觀念重新定位高壓氧—消腫專家(中華民國高壓氧暨海底醫學會 poster, Jun 17, 2007)
10. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Chun-Lieh Chen, Jin-Tang Chen; Follicular infundibular
tumor with malignant change, (毛囊腫瘤並惡性變化) (台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 29, 2008)
11. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Chun-Lieh Chen, Jin-Tang Chen, Ischemic bowel
disease caused by primary antiphospholipid syndrome( 由原發性抗磷脂質症引起的缺血性腸病) (台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 29, 2008)
12. Chao-Chin Yu, Chen-Teng Wu, Mei-Du Yang ,Long-Bin Jeng, A Multivariate
Analysis on risk factors for early recurrence following resection of
hepatocellular carcinoma(肝細胞癌術後早期復發危險因子的多重分析)(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar
29, 2008)
13. 游朝慶,謝惠敏,鄭秀英,張秋密,何賢毓,許啟松,陳俊烈,補充大量鋅的治療對於褥瘡患者之前導研究(九十七年度台灣靜脈暨腸道營養醫學會會員大會暨學術討論會 poster, April 24, 2008)
14. 鍾秀娟,王琳茹,黃聖剛,游朝慶,廖慧伶,全靜脈營養輸液並用利尿劑引起電解質不平衡之探討(97年度台灣藥學會與台灣臨床藥學會聯合年會poster, November 22,2008)
15. 張善閔,游朝慶,醋酸對Pseudomonas aeruginosa的殺菌效果之研究 (97年度台灣醫事檢驗學會年會暨學術發表會poster November 16,2008)
16. Chao-Chin Yu , Chen-Teng Wu, Treatment with supplementary zinc in
patients with pressure ulcers (2009年亞洲外科醫學會議暨台灣外科醫學會外科聯合學術演講會poster, Mar 20-22, 2009)
17. Chao-Chin Yu, Te-Zhung Chen, Chen-Teng Wu, Treatment of
post-herniorrhaphy ventral necrotizing soft tissue infection by gauze-base wall
suction negative pressure wound therapy, (以紗布及牆壁抽吸系統組成的負壓傷口治療來處理腹部切口疝氣術後併發的壞死性軟組織發炎) (台灣外科醫學會 oral presentation, Mar 20, 2010, 投稿科別:疝氣學)
18. Chao-Chin Yu, Te-Zhung Chen, Chen-Teng Wu, Inguinal Hernia recurrence
after bilayer polypropylene mesh repair(鼠蹊疝氣使用雙層聚丙烯人工網膜修補後的復發) (台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 20, 2010,科別:疝氣學)
19. Chao-Chin Yu, Te-Zhung Chen, Ming-chung Cheng, Chen-Teng Wu, Healing
diabetic leg ulcer with exposed bone using fenestration followed by topical
negative pressure(使用開窗術及局部負壓治療糖尿病腿部潰瘍並骨頭露出)(台灣外科醫學會 oral presentation, Mar 20-21,
20. Chao-Chin Yu, Te-Zhung Chen, Ming-chung Cheng, Chen-Teng Wu, Two novel
methods about NPWT device with a surgical glove and a single-bottle water-seal system(對於負壓傷口治療的兩個創新的方法:使用外科手套及利用傷口引流瓶) (台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 21, 2010張貼編號 :131 投稿科別:整形外科 ))
CARE OF FOOT ULCER. 負壓傷口治療對於足部傷口之游式換藥法(外科南區月會 oral presentation, Sep 16, 2010)
22. Chao-Chin Yu , Wen-chieh Ou, Treating the chronic ischiorectal abscess
with topical negative pressure-case report(使用局部負壓治療慢性坐骨直腸膿瘍-個案報告)(台灣外科醫學會
poster, Mar 20, 2011張貼編號:37 投稿科別:大腸直腸外科 )
23. Chao-Chin Yu , Te-Zhung Chen, Chen-Teng Wu, Comparison of 3 quantitative
measures of pressure ulcer: DESIGN-R, PUSH 3.0, and BWAT(比較三種壓瘡定量評估系統:DESIGN-R, PUSH 3.0, 及BWAT) (台灣外科醫學會 oral presentation, Mar 19,
24. Chao-Chin Yu , Te-Zhung Chen, Chen-Teng Wu, Prospective randomized study
comparing gauze-base with foam-base negative pressure wound therapy for the
pressure ulcer(比較泡棉及紗布系統的負壓傷口治療在壓瘡傷口的前瞻隨機研究)(台灣外科醫學會oral presentation, Mar 19, 2011投稿科別:整型外科)
25. Chao-Chin Yu , Te-Zhung Chen, Chen-Teng, Wu, a modified method of
negative pressure wound therapy in healing of difficult foot ulcer(使用改良後之負壓傷口治療來治療足部困難傷口) (台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 19, 2011張貼編號:155 投稿科別:整型外科)
26. Chao-Chin Yu , Te-Zhung Chen, Chen-Teng , The cause of the failure of
negative pressure wound therapy on undermined pressure ulcer(潛行性壓瘡以負壓傷口治療失敗的原因-個案報告) (台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 19, 2011張貼編號:154投稿科別:整型外科)
27. Chao-Chin Yu , Prospective randomized study comparing gauze-base with
foam-base negative pressure wound therapy for the diabetic foot ulcer(比較泡棉及紗布系統的負壓傷口治療在糖尿病足部傷口的前瞻隨機研究)(台灣外科醫學會
presentation, Mar 17, 201投稿科別:整型外科)
28. Chao-Chin Yu , Comparison of 3 quantitative measures
of diabetic foot ulcer: wound size reduction, PUSH 3.0, and Percent change in
wound area(比較三種糖尿病足部傷口定量評估系統:wound
size reduction, PUSH 3.0, 及Percent change in wound area)(台灣外科醫學會 oral presentation, Mar 17, 2012投稿科別:整型外科)
29. Chao-Chin Yu , Negative pressure wound therapy using gauze versus polyurethane
foam filler in the healing of large pressure ulcer, a prospective randomized
study (WUWHS 橫濱 poster, Sep 2-6, 2012)
30. Chao-Chin Yu , Negative pressure wound therapy using gauze versus polyurethane
foam filler in the healing of large diabetic ulcer, a prospective randomized
study (WUWHS 橫濱 poster, Sep 2-6, 2012)
31. Chao-Chin Yu , Negative pressure wound therapy using gauze versus polyurethane
foam filler in the healing undermining of pressure ulcer, a prospective
randomized study (WUWHS 橫濱 poster, Sep 2-6, 2012)
32. Chao-Chin Yu , KoCarbonAg Antimicrobial Dressing Can help STSG Survive
the Infection,(外科台南地區月會 oral
presentation, Sep 20, 2012)
33. Chao-Chin Yu , a easy dressing change method of negative pressure wound
therapy by use of Mepilex Border使用美皮蕾防水型自黏性矽膠泡棉敷料來做一種簡單的負壓傷口治療換藥方法(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 16-17, 2013張貼編號:112 投稿科別:整型外科)
34. Chao-Chin Yu ,The negative pressure wound therapy should not be used in
the diabetic foot ulcer with non-treated vasculopathy負壓傷口治療不該使用於血管病變沒有被治療的糖尿病足部傷口(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 16-17, 2013張貼編號:111 投稿科別:整型外科)
35. Chao-Chin Yu ,silver-coated activated carbon fiber may help skin graft
survive the infection—a case
report含銀活性炭纖維可幫助受感染的補皮區存活—個案報告(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 16-17, 2013張貼編號:113 投稿科別:整型外科)
Chao-Chin Yu ,,負壓傷口治療中,密封傷口的策略,(外科台南地區月會,oral presentation, 2013/09/12)
37. Chao-Chin Yu, Failure to thrive in chronic wounds during negative
pressure wound therapy, 慢性傷口經負壓傷口治療失敗(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 15-16, 2014張貼編號:64 投稿科別:整型外科)
38. Chao-Chin Yu, Meningitis presenting with skin gangrene (外科南區月會 oral presentation, Sep 23, 2014)
39. Chao-Chin Yu, Venous Gangrene Treated Successfully with Thrombolytic
Therapy, 成功以血栓溶解療法治療靜脈性皮膚壞疽(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 22, 2015張貼編號:55 投稿科別:整型外科)
40. Chao-Chin Yu, Venous Stasis Ulcers in the Patient with Heart Failure,
併有心臟衰竭的靜脈鬱滯性潰瘍患者(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 19, 2016張貼編號:63 投稿科別:整型外科)
41. Chao-Chin Yu, Salmonella Osteomyelitis with Intraosseous Gas and
Subcutaneous Emphysema in the Patient with Diabetes, 糖尿病患者以骨內氣體及皮下氣腫表現的沙門氏桿菌骨髓炎(台灣外科醫學會 poster, Mar 19, 2016張貼編號:64 投稿科別:整型外科)