2014年9月26日 星期五




   最後來討論另一種優碘---cadexomer-iodine優碘粉(iodosorb),大多數對優碘粉的研究都是人體實驗,只有3篇是使用豬的研究,Mertz1於1994年發表使用感染MRSA(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aures)的豬的部分皮層(partial thickness)傷口(n=120),比較優碘粉cadexomer-iodine,cadexomer不含優碘的粉及沒有治療,結果發現,優碘粉可促進表皮位移(epidermal migration),並剪少細菌(MRSA)的量,於1999年Mertz2又重複類似的實驗,但這次只作對於MRSA的抗菌研究,結果還是優碘粉可有效對抗有抗藥性的MRSA細菌,Lamme3則是將優碘粉用在豬的全層皮膚(full thickness)傷口,和生理食鹽水做對照比較,結果表皮再生(epidermal regeneration)及上皮化(epitheliation)都明顯增加(p<0.05)。

   在人體實驗方面,就糖尿病足部傷口(diabetic foot ulcer)而言,Apelqvist4比較12個患者使用優碘粉,另12個患者接受標準治療(gentamicin solution, streptokinase or saline gauze),結果兩組差不多。

   就壓瘡(pressure ulcer)而言,Moberg比較16個患者使用優碘粉,18個患者使用標準治療(saline, enzyme-base or non-adhesive dressings),結果優碘粉可有效降低膿瘍、去除壞死組織及降低疼痛,並且能促進傷口癒合(8週後傷口各縮小76%及57%)。

   就靜脈性潰瘍(venous leg ulcer)而言,Danieslen6研究優碘粉在19個靜脈性潰瘍並綠膿桿菌感染的效果(此研究無對照組),所有患者並接受彈繃加壓治療,結果結果在第一週有65%培養不到細菌,12週時則有75%培養不出細菌,平均在12週時傷口縮小32.9%。Hansson比較優碘粉(n=56),人工皮(hydrocolloid dressing, n=48)及油性紗布(paraffin gauze,n=49),所有患者均有接受彈繃加壓治療,結果平均傷口面積各縮小62%,42%及24%。而最常被引用的是Skog8的研究,其將93個靜脈性潰瘍患者隨機使用優碘粉或其他標準治療(enzyme preparations, dextranomer, fucidic acid, typure pwder, polymix of silver nitrate),兩組都接受彈繃加壓治療,經過6個禮拜的治療,優碘粉組的傷口面積縮小34%,而對照阻止有縮小5%,且證明優碘組可有效殺菌。

   然而若都不使用彈繃加壓治療,Stewart9比較優碘粉(n=42)及保濕凝膠(intrasite gel,n=46),結果傷口癒合速兩者差不多,可見,在靜脈性潰瘍的治療,『彈繃加壓』是很重要的因素,而優碘粉能輔助加速彈繃加壓的作用



附註:本系列單元主題的架構主要來自於Angel, DE; Morey, P; Storer, J, The Great Debate over Iodine in Wound Care Continues: A Review of the Literature, Wound Practice & Research: Journal of the Australian Wound Management Association, Vol. 16, No. 1, Feb 2008: 6-21, http://www.awma.com.au/journal/1601_01.pdf

1. Mertz PM, Davis SC, Brewer LD et al. Can antimicrobials be effective without impairing wound healing? The evaluation of a cadexomer-iodine ointment. Wounds: Compend Clin Res Pract 1994; 6(6):184-192

2. Mertz PM, Oliveira-Gandia MF & Davis SC The evaluation of a cadexomer-iodine wound dressing on methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in acute wounds. Dermatol Surg 1999; 25(2):89-92.

3. Lamme EN, Gustanfsson TO & Middelkoop E. Cadexomer-iodine ointment shows stimulation of epidermal regeneration in experimental full thickness wounds. Arch Dermatol Res 1998; 290:18-24.

4. Apelqvist J & Tennvall RG. Cavity foot ulcers in diabetic patients: a comparative study of cadexomer-iodine ointment and standard treatment. Acta Derm Venereol 1996; 76:231-235.

5. Moberg S, Hoffman L, Grennert M-L et al. A randomized trial of cadexomer-iodine in decubitus ulcers. J Am Ger Soc 1983; 31(8):462-465.

6.Danieslen L, Cherry GW, Harding K et al. Cadexomer-iodine in ulcers colonised by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Wound Care 1997; 6(4):169-172.

7. Hansson C. The effects of cadexomer-iodine paste in the treatment of venous leg ulcers compared with hydrocolloid dressing and paraffin gauze dressing. Int J Dermatol 1998; 37:390-396.

8.Skog E, Arnesjö B, Troëng T et al. A randomized trial comparing cadexomer-iodine and standard treatment in the out-patient management of chronic venous ulcers. Br J Dermatol 1983; 109:77-83

9. Stewart AJ & Leaper DJ. treatment of chronic leg ulcers in the community: a comparative trial of Scherisorb and Iodosorb. Phlebol 1987; 2:115-121.

10. Moss C, Taylor AEM & Shuster S. Comparison of cadexomer-iodine and dextranomer for chronic venous ulcers. Clin Exp Dermatol 1987; 12:413-418.

11. Steele K, Irwin G & Dowds N. Cadexomer-iodine in the management of venous leg ulcers in general practice. Practitioner 1986; 230:63-68.

12. Floyer C & Wilkinson JD. Treatment of venous leg ulcers with cadexomer iodine with particular reference to iodine sensitivity. Acta Chir Scand 1988; 544(Suppl):60-61

13. Harcup JW & Saul PA. A study of the effect of cadexomer-iodine in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Br J Clin Pract 1986; 40:360-4.

14. Hillström L. Iodosorb compared to standard treatment in chronic venous leg ulcers: a multicentre study. Acta Chir Scand 1988; 544:53-56.

15. HollowayAG, Johansen KJ, Barnes RW multicenter trial of cadexomer- iodine to treat venous stasis ulcer. West J Med 1989; 151:35-38

16. Laudanska H & Gustavson B. In-patients treatment of chronic varicose venous ulcers: a randomised trial of cadexomer-iodine versus standard dressing. J Int Med Res 1988; 16:428-435.

17.Ormiston CM, Seymor MTJ, Venn GE et al. Controlled trial of iodosorb in chronic venous ulcers. Br Med J 1985; 291:308-310

18. Tarvainen K. Cadexomer-iodine (iodosorb) compared with dextranomer (Debrisan) in the treatment of chronic leg ulcers. Acta Chir Scand 1988; 544(Supp):57-59.

2014年9月22日 星期一


游朝慶 醫師


   優碘的人體實驗中也充滿了許多矛盾,Connell1研究急診室中(n=92)需要被縫合的傷口,在縫合前先以優碘清洗傷口,可有效降低感染率(11.9% to 6%),Gordon2在同樣的研究中(n=248)卻顯示優碘會有18%的感染率,有人解釋說,或許Gordon的研究,在使用消毒劑之前忽略掉要先沖洗傷口。Stringer3把80個急性傷口患者分成四組,分別以雙氧水、生理食鹽水、沙威隆及優碘來消毒,結果優碘可有效降低感染(p<0.05),Gravett4則比較在縫合傷口前,一組先用生理食鹽水沖洗,接著用優碘刷洗,另一組則僅以生理食鹽水沖洗,結果用優碘組有7人傷口感染,對照組則有30人感染(n=500, P<0.01)

   Denning5比較指甲手術術後使用乾紗布及優碘紗布(Inadine),結果兩組的感染率差不多。Lammers6則比較在急性創傷後的感染性傷口,比較使用生理食鹽水紗布填塞浸泡10分鐘、優碘紗布填塞浸泡10分鐘及無治療僅以乾紗布覆蓋(n=33),取這治療10分鐘前後的傷口標本來做細菌量測定(每公克組織的細菌量大於100,000(> 105)隻時,會影響傷口癒合7),結果發現優碘紗布和乾紗布彼此的細菌量沒有統計學上的意義,但生理食鹽水組的細菌量卻上升。然而Sindela8卻指出和生理食鹽水灌洗相比,手術後使用優碘灌洗可有效降低感染率(n=258,2.9%:15.1%,P<0.001)。



   在靜脈性潰瘍部分,Piérard-Franchimont(n=30)11和Fumal(n=17)12的研究都證實優碘可以有效降低細菌的量,並且能夠促進傷口癒合,而Chlorhexidine及 silver sulfadiazine反而會抑制小腿潰瘍的生長。

   在燙傷部分,Knutson(n=605)13使用優碘加上砂糖治療燙傷,認為其能有效降低感染及促進癒合,DeKock(n=60)14和Hopf(n=25)15則研究發現優碘比燙傷藥膏(silver sulfadiazine,SSD)更有效。至於燙傷藥膏對於燙傷,有一篇2012年的review16甚至說燙傷藥膏會抑制傷口癒合,並且無法預防傷口感染,連最新的Cochrane17研究也質疑燙傷藥膏(SSD)能否促進癒合及降低感染。因此我認為也許不是優碘能促進燙傷傷口癒合,而事實上是燙傷藥膏會抑制傷口癒合。


   就個人觀點而言,我覺得在開刀縫合的傷口,可以使用優碘,但若會過敏,則於30秒後以生理食鹽水擦掉,在慢性傷口(壓瘡或糖尿病足部傷口)或擦傷部分,若傷口乾淨,則不需用優碘,若傷口有異味或髒的滲液,則不反對用優碘,但若有壞死腐爛組織,則需清創,優碘對此無效。若是診斷為小腿靜脈潰瘍(venous stasis ulcer,有下肢水腫、滲液很多、靜脈曲張、小腿色素沈澱等其中之一症狀),則不管有否感染,此時優碘,甚至是優碘粉(這在下一章會提到)是唯一特效藥,不要笨笨地相信報章雜誌上說的傷口不要用優碘。


1. Connell S. A two-part quality assurance project addressing infection rates of wounds sutured in the emergency department. J Emerg Nurs 1991; 17:212-4.

2. Gordon MWG, Aikman L, Little K et al. Prevention of wound infection in the accident and emergency department: does povidone-iodine dry powder spray reduce infection rates? Br J Accident Emerg Med 1989; 1989(4):11-13.

3. Stringer MD, Lawrence JC & Lilly HA. Antiseptics and the casualty wounds. J Hosp Infect 1983; 4:410-413.

4. Gravett A, Sterner S, Clinton JE et al. A trial of povidone-iodine in the prevention of infection in sutured lacerations. Ann Emerg Med 1987; 16(2):167-171

5. Denning L. The effect iodine has on post-phenolised nail surgery wounds. Br J Pod 2003; 6(4):96-99.

6. Lammers RL, Fourre M, Vallaham ML et al. Effect of povidone-iodine and saline soaking on bacterial counts in acute, traumatic, contaminated wounds. Ann Emerg Med 1990; 19(6):709-714.

7. Robson MC. Wound infection. A failure of wound healing caused by an imbalance of bacteria. Surg Clin North Am 1997; 77:637-650

8. Sindelar WF & Mason R . Irrigation of subcutaneous tissue with povidone-iodine solution for prevention of surgical wound infections. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1979; 148:227-231.

9. Viljanto J. Disinfection of surgical wounds without inhibition of normal wound healing. Arch Surg 1980; 115:253.

10. Saydak SJ. A pilot test of two methods for the treatment of pressure ulcers. J Enterostomal Ther 1990; 17:139-142.

11. Piérard-Franchimont C, Paquet P, Arrese JE et al. Healing rate and bacterial necrotizing vasculitis in venous leg ulcers. Dermatol 1997; 194:383-387.

12. Fumal I, Braham C, Paquet P et al. The beneficial toxicity paradox of antimicrobials in leg ulcer healing impaired by a polymicrobial flora: a proof-of-concept study. Dermatol 2002; 204(suppl 1):70-74.

13. Knutson RA, Merbitz LA, Creekmore MA, Use of sugar and povidone-iodine to enhance wound healing: five years experience. Southern Med J 1981; 74(11):1329-1335.

14. DeKock M, Van der merwe AE & Swarts C. A comparative study of povidone-iodine cream and silver sulfadiazine in the topical treatment of burns. Wounds 1989; 1:65-71.

15. Hopf K, Grady R, Stahl-Bayl C et al. The effect of betadine cream vs silvadene cream on reepitheliazation in uninfected experimental wounds. Proceed Am Burn Assoc 1991; 23:166.

16. Aziz, Z; Abu, SF; Chong, NJ (May 2012). "A systematic review of silver-containing dressings and topical silver agents (used with dressings) for burn wounds.". Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries 38 (3): 307–18.

17. Storm-Versloot, MN; Vos, CG; Ubbink, DT; Vermeulen, H (Mar 17, 2010). "Topical silver for preventing wound infection". In Storm-Versloot, Marja N. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) (3): CD006478.

2014年9月21日 星期日




   在第一次世界大戰(1914-1918)結束的1919年,弗來明(其於1929年發現盤尼西林)發表其研究說和石碳酸相比,在髒的槍傷傷口使用碘可以降低傷口感染1。從上一篇的介紹中,我們已經證實在實驗室的細胞研究中,優碘是有礙傷口癒合,但在動物研究呢?所有的動物實驗幾乎都是由皮膚鬆弛的老鼠(小鼠﹙mice﹚和大鼠﹙rat﹚, guinea pigs豚鼠)或皮膚緊緻的豬(pigs)來作研究對象,但在老鼠身上,其癒合主要靠的是皮膚的收縮(contracton),不像豬,其靠的主要是上皮化(epitheliation),在這一點上,豬的癒合反應和人類比較相似2

   而在豬(pigs)的研究中,卻呈現兩派的說法,Archer3等人的研究證實優碘會抑制生長,但有人質疑其只做三隻豬(各取四個部位),量太少,且沒有說明是否有統計學上的意義,而其他如Bennett4的研究說優碘可促進生長母細胞再生fibroblast proliferation及血管新生angiogenesis,並有統計學上的意義、Geronemus5的研究則說優碘不會抑制生長,Mertz6的研究則是說優碘可有效抑制細菌的生長。

   在豚鼠(guinea pigs)的研究方面,Rodeheaver7說和生理食鹽水相比,優碘在10分鐘時可有效降低細菌的量,但四天之後,兩組感染率卻一樣。Howell8以感染12小時的切割傷的豚鼠研究,優碘、生理食鹽水及抗生素cefazolin三組的傷口感染率差不多。但Menton9則發現雖然優碘會降低癒合速率,但卻可以增加傷口的抗拉強度(Tensile Strength),然而Niedner10卻證明優碘不會影響生長速率。

   在大鼠﹙rat﹚的研究方面,Malloy & Brady11取50隻大鼠的乾淨切割傷來研究,和生理食鹽水比較,優碘紗布填塞會明顯抑制傷口癒合(30天:15天),Mulliken12做更大規模的研究(n=341)和林格氏液Ringer’s solution比較,以優碘灌洗傷口irrigation,並不會影響傷口的癒合。在細胞毒性方面,Severyns13以大鼠的股靜脈做研究,比較生理食鹽水、Chlorhexidine、及優碘灌注沖洗傷口,結果發現和其他組相比,優碘會更加導致血管內皮的傷害及導致拴塞,此結果也同時證實Brennan14在兔子耳朵傷口使用不同消毒水的研究,其也證實Chlorhexidine對傷口是相對較安全的灌洗液。




1. Fleming A. The action of chemical and physiological antiseptics in a septic wound. Br J Surg 1919; 7:99-129.

2. Kramer SA. Effect of povidone-iodine on wound healing: a review. J Vasc Nurs 1999; 17:17-23.

3. Archer HG, Barnett S, Irving S et al. A controlled model of moist healing: comparison between semi-permeable film, antiseptics and sugar paste. J Exp Pathol 1990; 71:155-70.

4. Bennett LL, Rosenblum RS, Perlov C et al. An in vivo omparison of topical agents on wound repair. Plast Reconst Surg 2001; 108(3):675-685.

5. Geronemus RG, Mertz PM & Eaglstein WH. The effects of topical antimicrobial agents. Arch Dermatol 1979; 115:1311-14.

6. Mertz PM, Alvarez OM, Smerbeck RV et al. A new in vivo model for the evaluation of topical antiseptics on superficial wounds. Arch Dermatol 1984; 120:58-62.

7. Rodeheaver G, Bellamy W, Kody M, Bactericidal activity and toxicity of iodine-containing solutions in wounds. Arch Surg 1982; 117:181-186.

8. Howell JM, Stair TO, Howell AW, The effect of scrubbing and irrigation with normal saline, povidone-iodine, and cefazolin on wound bacterial counts in a guinea pig model. Am J Emerg Med 1993; 1993(11):134-138.

9. Menton DN & Brown M. The effects of commercial wound cleansers in cutaneous wound healing in guinea pigs. Wounds: Compend Clin Res Pract 1994; 6(1):21-27.

10. Niedner R & Schöpf E. Inhibition of wound healing by antiseptics. Br J Dermatol 1986; 115(Suppl 31):41-44.

11. Malloy RG & Brady MP. A modified technique of delayed primary closure using povidone-iodine wick: influence on wound healing in an experimental model. Irish J Med Sci 1993; 162:297-300.

12. Mulliken JB, Healey NA & Glowacki J. Povidone-iodine and tensile strength of wounds in rats. J Trauma 1980; 20(4):323-324.

13. Severyns AM, Lejeune A, Rocoux G et al. Non-toxic antiseptic irrigation with chlorhexidine in experimental revascularization in the rat. J Hosp Infect 1991; 17:197-206

14. Brennan SS & Leaper DJ. The effect of antiseptics on the healing wound: a study using the rabbit ear model. Br J Surg 1985; 72(10):780-782

15. Kashyap A, Beezhold D, Wiseman J et al. Effect of povidone-iodine dermatologic ointment on wound healing. Am Surg 1995; 61(6):486-491.

16. Kjoseth D, Frank JM, NBarker JH et al. Comparison of the effects of Commonly used wound agents on epithelization and neovascularization. J Am Coll Surg 1994; 179:305-312.

17. Drosou A, Falabella A & Kirsner RS. Antiseptics on wounds: an area of controversy. Wounds 2003; 15(5):149-166.