2010年6月16日 星期三



表皮-真皮細胞間的訊號傳導  示意圖



B. 皮膚受傷了,傷及真皮層

C. 受傷1-2週後,表皮已長好,但仍不夠厚,角質層仍未成熟,以致於會有大量水份喪失(TEWL),角質層會把脫水的訊息傳遞訊號給角質細胞keratocyte(綠色箭頭),其方式或許是經由滲透壓梯度osmotic gradient

D. 角質細胞被刺激而製造細胞激素(紅色箭頭),其藉由表皮-真皮間的信號傳遞,刺激真皮層的纖維母細胞合成及釋放膠原蛋白。而過多的膠原蛋白會造成疤痕不正常增生。

E. 以矽膠片治療疤痕或剛癒合的傷口,由於矽膠片能夠恢復角質層的屏障功能,降低水份喪失,將關掉對角質細胞的刺激,進而阻止阻止對纖維母細胞的刺激。

E. 2-3個月的矽膠片治療後,膠原蛋白已穩定正常沈積下來,沒有疤痕增生。





   事實上,矽膠相關產品是作用在表皮細胞keratocyte來來啟動一連串的信號級聯放大signaling cascade,進而影響抑制真皮層的纖維母細胞;若表皮細胞受損或受傷後延遲生長,則真皮纖維母細胞就沒有受到抑制,而會不斷刺激製造膠原蛋白及生長因子,進而形成疤痕3,4


   1995年當時台大皮膚科的張志成醫師使用一種兩個腔室的模組,兩腔室之間以一個半透膜分開,將表皮細胞放於上層,下層放纖維母細胞fibroblast,表皮細胞只有鋪在上層底部,上面分別以矽膠油silicone oil、石臘 paraffin、模擬人工體液Hanks' balanced salt solution (濕潤組hydration),對照組則是將表皮細胞暴露於空氣,在以Hanks’ solution處理的濕潤組,纖維母細胞的產物如[3H]thymidine incorporation and their collagen, glycosaminoglycan都有被抑制,反而暴露在矽膠油或石臘的那兩組,纖維母細胞沒有被抑制,故結論為是『濕潤』而非矽膠本身可以調節實驗室中表皮細胞—纖維母細胞之間的交互作用6


1. Hanasono MM, Lum J, Carroll LA et al. The effect of silicone gel on basic fibroblast growth factor levels in fibroblast cell culture. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2004; 6:88-93.

2. Kuhn MA, Moffit MR, Smith PD et al. Silicone sheeting decreases fibroblast activity and downregulates TGFbeta2 in hypertrophic scar model. Int J Surg Investig 2001; 2:467-474.

3. Nickoloff BJ, Naidu Y. Perturbation of epidermal barrier function correlates with initiation of cytokine cascade in human skin. J Am Acad Dermatol 1994; 30:535-546.

4. Garner WL. Epidermal regulation of dermal fibroblast activity. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998; 102:135-139.

5. Harrison CA, Gossiel F, Bullock AJ et al. Investigation of keratinocyte regulation of collagen I synthesis by dermal fibroblasts in a simple in vitro model. Br J Dermatol 2006; 154:401-410.

6. Chang CC, Kuo YF, Chiu HC et al. Hydration, not silicone, modulates the effects of keratinocytes on fibroblasts. J Surg Res 1995; 59:705-711.

2010年6月15日 星期二



    接著有研究說矽膠片可避免角質層水分經皮膚蒸發,進而恢復肌膚角質層水分含量1,8,Quinn5等人測量測量矽膠片的水蒸氣穿透率(WVTR, 4.5g/m2/hr)為正常皮膚的一半,故理論上低的水蒸氣穿透率可以增加表皮角質層的含水量。不管是矽膠片,矽膠凝膠或是矽膠霜外以密閉敷料封閉,都有同樣的防止水份散失,以及使角質層滋潤的效果。然而完全密閉不透氣的塑膠袋也是無法被利用,因為會造成角質細胞的浸潤與發炎反應9。有愈來愈多的證據顯示這些矽膠相關產品的除疤效果主要是來自於密閉及濕潤(occlusion and hydration),這和慢性傷口生長的『濕潤療法』理論不謀而合。
    Sawada(澤田)及 Sone(曾根)等人於1990年比較將矽膠霜Silicone cream以紗布覆蓋或以密閉性敷料(如防水薄膜)覆蓋,對疤痕或蟹足腫的效果,結果密閉的那一組明顯對疤痕有效,其結論為『密閉』是矽膠相關產品可以除疤的一個重要元素10
    Sawada(澤田)及 Sone(曾根)等人接著又於1992年又做了另一個臨床實驗,將31個有疤痕的病人分為兩組,一組用沒有含矽膠成分的乳霜cream但以防水薄膜覆蓋,另一組只使用凡士林塗抹當做對照組,結果密閉組明顯有效,而且其效果和前一個研究的矽膠霜覆蓋以薄膜的效果相當,故澤田他們嚇了一個結論就是,『濕潤』與『密閉』都是矽膠相關產品可以除疤的重要元素11
    另一個研究使用矽膠片及不含矽膠的密閉性凝膠occlusive non-silicone gel,結果兩組對於疤痕都有相同的效果12
    有關於將傷口密封就能治療疤痕,有人想到那麼OP Site這些透氣防水薄膜對傷口有幫助嗎?有幾篇研究證實Polyurathane透氣防水薄膜的效果和矽膠片的除疤效果差不多13,14。另一個研究指出透氣防水薄膜貼12個小時和貼24小時,連續8周後的除疤效果都一樣好15
    然而在2002年,Saulis16等人以20隻兔子的兩隻耳朵製作各製作四個7mm的打洞疤痕,一隻耳朵為實驗組,另一隻耳朵為對照組,使用"scar elevation index”SEI作為疤痕的定量工具,此方法是在40倍的放大倍率下,計算疤痕的疤痕下的真皮深度,除以疤痕相連正常皮膚下的真皮深度17(因為實驗結束需要把疤痕及其相鄰組織全取下,故此疤痕定量方法不適合用在人體臨床實驗)。實驗在術後第28天開始,持續4個禮拜,密閉敷料包括S&M的矽膠片Cica-care,3M的防水薄膜Tegaderm,另一家S&M的防水薄膜OP Site,以及兩層3M的美容膠Steri-strips。實驗結果如下:

只有silicone gel這一組有明顯進步,其餘各組都沒有達到統計學上的意義,
作者並且測量測量Tegaderm,OP Site兩家防水薄膜及矽膠片的水蒸氣穿透率(water vapor transmission rate, WVTR),結果如下圖:

    有意思的是矽膠片和OP Site的密閉效果很相似,但是OP Site卻無法達到同樣的效果。這篇作者的結論為矽膠片的除疤效果並不能完全由濕潤與封閉來解釋
1. Quinn KJ, Evans JH, Courtney JM et al. Non-pressure treatment of hypertrophic scars. Burns Incl Therm Inj 1985; 12:102-108.
2. Musgrave MA, Umraw N, Fish JS et al. The effect of silicone gel sheets on perfusion of hypertrophic burn scars. J Burn Care Rehabil 2002; 23:208-214.
3. Ahn ST, Monafo WW, Mustoe TA. Topical silicone gel: a new treatment for hypertrophic scars. Surgery 1989; 106:781-786.
4. Borgognoni L. Biological effects of silicone gel sheeting. Wound Repair Regen 2002; 10:118-121.
5. Quinn KJ. Silicone gel in scar treatment. Burns Incl Therm Inj 1987; 13 Suppl:S33-S40.
6. Har-Shai Y, Lindenbaum E, Tendler M et al. Negatively charged static electricity stimulation as a possible mechanism for enhancing the involution of hypertrophic and keloid scars. Isr Med Assoc J 1999; 1:203-205.
7. Hirshowitz B, Lindenbaum E, Har-Shai Y et al. Static-electric field induction by a silicone cushion for the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998; 101:1173-1183.
8. Gilman TH. Silicone sheet for treatment and prevention of hypertrophic scar: a new proposal for the mechanism of efficacy. Wound Repair Regen 2003; 11:235-236.
9. Lindberg M, Forslind B. The effects of occlusion of the skin on the Langerhans' cell and the epidermal mononuclear cells. Acta Derm Venereol 1981; 61:201-205.
10. Sawada Y, Sone K. Treatment of scars and keloids with a cream containing silicone oil. Br J Plast Surg 1990; 43:683-688.
11. Sawada Y, Sone K. Hydration and occlusion treatment for hypertrophic scars and keloids. Br J Plast Surg 1992; 45:599-603.
12. de Oliveira GV, Nunes TA, Magna LA et al. Silicone versus nonsilicone gel dressings: a controlled trial. Dermatol Surg 2001; 27:721-726.
13. Klopp R, Niemer W, Fraenkel M et al. Effect of four treatment variants on the functional and cosmetic state of mature scars. J Wound Care 2000; 9:319-324.
14. Wigger-Albert W, Kuhlmann M, Wilhelm D et al. Efficacy of a polyurethane dressing versus a soft silicone sheet on hypertrophic scars. J Wound Care 2009; 18:208, 210-208, 214.
15. Schmidt A, Gassmueller J, Hughes-Formella B et al. Treating hypertrophic scars for 12 or 24 hours with a self-adhesive hydroactive polyurethane dressing. J Wound Care 2001; 10:149-153.
16. Saulis AS, Chao JD, Telser A et al. Silicone occlusive treatment of hypertrophic scar in the rabbit model. Aesthet Surg J 2002; 22:147-153.
17. Morris DE, Wu L, Zhao LL et al. Acute and chronic animal models for excessive dermal scarring: quantitative studies. Plast Reconstr Surg 1997; 100:674-681.
18. Kloeters O, Tandara A, Mustoe TA. Hypertrophic scar model in the rabbit ear: a reproducible model for studying scar tissue behavior with new observations on silicone gel sheeting for scar reduction. Wound Repair Regen 2007; 15 Suppl 1:S40-S45.

2010年6月13日 星期日



    在1983年,Perkins等人第一個發現矽膠片(Silicone gel sheeting, SGS)可用來治療燒燙傷的疤痕1




    在2006年的考科藍Cochrane實證醫學研究,其從13個有對照組的研究(controlled study),559個病人中,發現矽膠片對易長疤痕的病人有預防的效果,可增加疤痕的彈性,使紅色疤痕淡化顏色12

    最近幾個有對照組的研究都表示矽膠凝膠silicone gel,其治療疤痕的效果至少和矽膠片一樣好,但和矽膠片比較,因為較方便使用,及較舒服,患者較喜歡使用矽膠凝膠13-15

    然而為什麼矽膠片及矽膠凝膠可以除疤呢?其原理呢? 在下一節,我將繼續帶大家探討這個問題。


1. Perkins K, Davey RB, Wallis KA. Silicone gel: a new treatment for burn scars and contractures. Burns Incl Therm Inj 1983; 9:201-204.

2. Ahn ST, Monafo WW, Mustoe TA. Topical silicone gel: a new treatment for hypertrophic scars. Surgery 1989; 106:781-786.

3. Lee SM, Ngim CK, Chan YY et al. A comparison of Sil-K and Epiderm in scar management. Burns 1996; 22:483-487.

4. Li-Tsang CW, Lau JC, Choi J et al. A prospective randomized clinical trial to investigate the effect of silicone gel sheeting (Cica-Care) on post-traumatic hypertrophic scar among the Chinese population. Burns 2006; 32:678-683.

5. Carney SA, Cason CG, Gowar JP et al. Cica-Care gel sheeting in the management of hypertrophic scarring. Burns 1994; 20:163-167.

6. Sproat JE, Dalcin A, Weitauer N et al. Hypertrophic sternal scars: silicone gel sheet versus Kenalog injection treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg 1992; 90:988-992.

7. de Oliveira GV, Nunes TA, Magna LA et al. Silicone versus nonsilicone gel dressings: a controlled trial. Dermatol Surg 2001; 27:721-726.

8. Majan JI. Evaluation of a self-adherent soft silicone dressing for the treatment of hypertrophic postoperative scars. J Wound Care 2006; 15:193-196.

9. Cruz-Korchin NI. Effectiveness of silicone sheets in the prevention of hypertrophic breast scars. Ann Plast Surg 1996; 37:345-348.

10. Gold MH, Foster TD, Adair MA et al. Prevention of hypertrophic scars and keloids by the prophylactic use of topical silicone gel sheets following a surgical procedure in an office setting. Dermatol Surg 2001; 27:641-644.

11. Mustoe TA, Cooter RD, Gold MH et al. International clinical recommendations on scar management. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002; 110:560-571.

12. O'Brien L, Pandit A. Silicon gel sheeting for preventing and treating hypertrophic and keloid scars. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;CD003826.

13. Chan KY, Lau CL, Adeeb SM et al. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, prospective clinical trial of silicone gel in prevention of hypertrophic scar development in median sternotomy wound. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005; 116:1013-1020.

14. Chernoff WG, Cramer H, Su-Huang S. The efficacy of topical silicone gel elastomers in the treatment of hypertrophic scars, keloid scars, and post-laser exfoliation erythema. Aesthetic Plast Surg 2007; 31:495-500.

15. Signorini M, Clementoni MT. Clinical evaluation of a new self-drying silicone gel in the treatment of scars: a preliminary report. Aesthetic Plast Surg 2007; 31:183-187.