台南市立醫院 外科 游朝慶醫師
在1999年Philbeck等人發表一篇論文1,比較平均4.3平方公分大的髖部壓瘡,以濕紗布填塞和負壓傷口治療的費用比較,結果負壓傷口治療進步較快,平均97天癒合,每位患者平均共花了健保局居家照護Medicare home healthcare14546美元,平均每天花150美元,而對照組則平均用了247天癒合,共花國家23465美元,平均每天花95美元,故負壓傷口治療雖每日使用成本較貴,但總成本卻是較低。原因是治療時間縮短,以及較低的護理成本,如下表
Table 1 : Comparison of Costs: Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy and Saline Gauze
Plus Pressure Relief Air Bed
| Saline Gauze and Pressure Relief Bed (1) | Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy (2) |
Wound closure rate (cm2 per day) | 0.09 | 0.23 |
Days to heal | 247.00 | 97.00 |
Materials cost per day, $ (US) | 10.00 | 107.46 |
Nursing cost per day, $ (US) | 85.00 | 42.50 |
Total cost per day, $ (US) | 95.00 | 149.96 |
Total cost to treat, $ (US) | 23,465.00 | 14,546.00 |
1.Philbeck TE Jr, Whittington KT, Millsap MH, et al. The clinical and cost-effectiveness of externally applied negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of wounds in home healthcare Medicare patients. Ostomy Wound Manage 1999; 45(11):41-50.
2.Ferrell BA, Osterweil D, Christenson PA. A randomized trial of low-air-loss beds for treatment of pressure ulcers. JAMA 1994; 269(4):494-497.
下表來自獨立之非營利機構的的加拿大醫療科技評估機構專責機構(現已改名為加拿大藥品及醫療科技評估機構(Canada Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, CADTH))於2003年針對VAC的治療費用整理,從兩個case series及1個回顧性病歷分析比較VAC和傳統濕紗布填塞,這些研究只指出兩種換要方式的成本差不多,但沒有指出其總效益。
Table 2: Costs of Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy From Retrospective Chart Review Studies
Study, year | Herscovici et al., 2003 (3) $US | Luckraz et al., 2003 (4) $US | Phillips and Rao, 2003 (5) $Cdn |
Costs | V.A.C. therapy:* $103/day (incl. sponges, canisters, nursing time, and dressing changes 3x/wk) Wet-to-dry (from charts): $100/day (incl. dressing changes 3x/day and nursing time) Free tissue transfer: $6,000 (surgical fee only) | V.A.C. therapy: $16,400/patient Sternal rewiring + closed irrigation: $20,000/patient (Components of costs and duration of treatment not stated) | Weekly labour costs (excluding travel): V.A.C. therapy: $135 Saline dressing: $560 Weekly supplies: V.A.C. therapy: $206 Saline dressing: $135 Weekly equipment: V.A.C. therapy: $413 Saline dressing: $0 Weekly total: V.A.C. therapy: $754 Saline dressing: $695 |
(3) Herscovici D, Jr., Sanders RW, Scaduto JM, Infante A, DiPasquale T. Vacuum-assisted wound closure (VAC therapy) for the management of patients with high-energy soft tissue injuries. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 17(10):683-8, 2003;-Dec.
(4) Luckraz H, Murphy F, Bryant S, Charman SC, Ritchie AJ. Vacuum-assisted closure as a treatment modality for infections after cardiac surgery. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery 2003; 125(2):301-305.
(5) Phillips DE, Rao SJ. Negative pressure therapy in the community: Analysis of outcomes. Wound Care in Canada 2003; 2(1):42-45.
以加拿大Ontario 2003年當時的資料來分析
- V.A.C.治療每48小時換一次藥
- 傳統換藥需一天換一到兩次藥
- V.A.C.耗材及租金費用加起來約每天100加幣
- V.A.C.機器成本約20000加幣
- 若購買機器,一年的分攤成本加耗材費用約每天70加幣
- 傳統的敷料成本約每天15加幣
- 護士/造口師每次換藥人力成本每天48-58加幣
- 若租機器:一天的成本為124-129加幣
- 若買機器:一天的成本為94-99加幣
- 傳統一天換兩次藥:一天的成本為120-146加幣,若一天只換一次藥,則成本會比V.A.C.便宜
Fisher A, Brady B. Vacuum assisted wound closure therapy. 2003. Ottawa: Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA).