2017年9月2日 星期六


安南醫院 高壓氧中心主任 游朝慶醫師
    就在2016年3月,加拿大多倫多中心醫院高壓氧中心的Ludwik Fedorko醫師於SCI IF高達11.9分的Diabetes Care期刊上發表一篇論文,題目就叫做『其實高壓氧無法減少糖尿病足部困難癒合傷口的截肢率』1,這種文章一出來,當然馬上就遭受到許多高壓氧大老們的撻伐,然而這篇研究,卻是歷史上,針對高壓氧及糖尿病傷口研究方面,第3篇採取雙盲、隨機分配、以安慰劑為對照的前瞻性臨床研究(前兩篇為Abidia9及Löndahl11的研究),在實證醫學證據等級方面是屬於Level I最高的等級,Fedorko醫師將單一中心107名至少已4個禮拜無法癒合的糖尿病足部傷口(Wagner grade 2–4)患者,隨機分為兩組,高壓氧治療組為將患者於單人艙(範美的高壓氧艙,和我們安南醫院高壓氧中心是同樣的機器)中,以純氧加壓至2.4大氣壓,每30分鐘間隔改切換為吸空氣(以空氣面罩吸27%氧)5分鐘(這步驟稱為air break),之後再回到吸純氧,以預防造成氧中毒,如此治療90分鐘,這種治療表其實是高壓氧界40年來一直沿用針對傷口所特別設計的治療表,也被美國海軍採用並編號為US Navy treatment Table 92,3,如此一禮拜治療5次,連續治療6個禮拜(30次),對照組則是吸入1.25大氣壓的空氣(sham treatment),而整個研究只有高壓氧技術員知道患者接受何種治療,患者及研究者都不知患者接受何種治療,故為雙盲,其兩組的Wagner分類(如表1)、傷口大小、疾病等都差不多,研究結果,在12禮拜時,傷口癒合率兩組差不多,完全癒合的:HBO有10名,對照組有12名,也無統計學上意義,截肢率方面,只有對照組有一名截掉腳指頭,也同樣無統計學上意義。

Wagner grade

表1. HBO治療組和對照組的Wagner等級分布1
    Fedorko在討論中並且提到在2013年Margolis曾做過的一個回顧性大規模的研究4,793個患者接受高壓氧治療,5,466個對照組接受標準治療,結果發現,高壓氧組有較高的截肢率以及較低的癒合率。這篇也同樣發表在Diabetes Care期刊,當然這種從健保資料庫撈到的資料,要很小心閱讀,如健保同意做高壓氧的患者往往都會比較嚴重,當然預後就會比對照組還差,就好比統計上加護病房患者的死亡率會比普通病房還高,但不能解釋為加護病房的照顧比較差。
    Fedorko又提到說到直到目前的研究,也都無法證實高壓氧能夠降低糖尿病足傷口的截肢率5,6。但這句話怎麼跟高壓氧學會上許多前輩講的不一樣,於是我便去找了Cochrane實證醫學上的報告,找到最新的為2015年2月的報告15,這報告收集了從1992到2014年的所有RCT 研究(隨機分派臨床試驗),一共有十篇5-14,共有531個個案。不解釋,就直接跳到結論:
  •      HBO在短期內(6禮拜)可加速傷口癒合(減少傷口面積及完全癒合),但長期而言(18週、半年及1年)沒有幫助。
  •      HBO不會改善小截肢率,但也無法證實可降低大截肢率(major amputations)
Healing rate (完全癒合):
  • At 6 weeks (5 trials; n=205);相對危險性Risk ratio (RR) [95% CI]: 2.35 [1.19, 4.62]
(這排以下的95%信賴區間[95% CI]都包括了1,表示無統計學上的意義)
  • At 6 months (2 trials; n=112); RR [95% CI]: 1.70 [0.90, 3.20]
  • At 1 year (3 trials; n=212); RR [95% CI]: 9.53 [0.44, 207.76]
Proportion of patients requiring major amputation:
  • (5 trials; n=309); RR [95% CI]: 0.36 [0.11, 1.18]
Minor amputation
  • (4 trials; n=242); RR [95% CI]: 0.76 [0.19, 3.10])
Significant wound size reduction in ulcers(傷口縮小比例
  • (2 trials; n=63) 兩個禮拜內,HBO組有明顯改善,但4週後,兩組間無差異

--- 請期待下一篇,來自美國海底暨高壓氧醫學會(UHMS)的神救援。


1. Fedorko L, Bowen JM, Jones W, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy does not reduce indications for amputation in patients with diabetes with nonhealing ulcers of the lower limb: a prospective, double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial. Diabetes Care 2016;39: 392–399
2. Clarke D. USN Treatment Table 9. Diving Hyperb Med. 2017 Mar;47(1):65.
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbaric_treatment_schedules#US_Navy_Treatment_Table_9
4. Margolis DJ, Gupta J, Hoffstad O, et al. Lack of effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer and the prevention of amputation: a cohort study. Diabetes Care 2013;36:1961–1966
5. Faglia E, Favales F, Aldeghi A. Adjunctive systemic hyperbaric oxygen therapy in treatment of severe prevalently ischemic diabetic foot ulcer. A randomized study. Diabetes Care1996;19(12):1338-43.
6. Duzgun AP, Satir HZ, Ozozan O, Saylam B, Kulah B, Coskun F. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on healing of diabetic foot ulcers. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 2008; 47(6):515–9.
7. Doctor N, Pandya S, Supe A. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in diabetic foot. J Postgrad Med 1992;38:112-4
8. Lin TF, Chen SB, Niu KC. The vascular effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in treatment of early diabetic foot. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 2001;28(Suppl):67.
9. Abidia A, Laden G, Kuhan G. The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in ischaemic diabetic lower extremity ulcers: a double-blind randomised-controlled trial. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2003;25:513-8.
10. Kessler L, Bilbault P, Ortéga F, Grasso C, Passemard R, Stephan D, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen accelerates the healing rate of nonischemic chronic diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetes Care 2003;26:2378–82.
11. Löndahl M, Nilsson A, Katzman P, Hammarlund C. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as adjunctive treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetes Care 2010;33(5): 998–1003.
12. Kaur S, Pawar M, Banerjee N, Garg R. Evaluation of the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic nonhealing ulcer and role of periwound transcutaneous oximetry as a predictor of wound healing response: A randomized prospective controlled trial. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2012;28:70–5.
13. Khandelwal S, Chaudhary P, Poddar D D, Saxena N, Singh R A, Biswal U C. Comparative Study of Different Treatment Options of Grade III and IV Diabetic Foot Ulcers to Reduce the Incidence of Amputations. Clin Pract 2013;3:e9.
14. Ma L, Li P, Shi Z, Hou T, Chen X, Du J. A prospective, randomized, controlled study of hyperbaric oxygen therapy: effects on healing and oxidative stress of ulcer tissue in patients with a diabetic foot ulcer. Ostomy Wound Manage 2013;59:18–24.
15. Kranke P, Bennett MH, Martyn-St James M, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for chronic wounds. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD004123. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD004123.pub4

