有人批評前述這個溫哥華疤痕評量尺(Vancouver scar scale,VSS)分數不好記,且缺乏病人的主觀評量,如最重要的痛及癢,故有人將VSS做了一些修正如下:Modified Vancouver Scar Scale(MVSS)1:
Score | Pigmentation | Vascularity | Pliability | Height | Pain and Itchiness |
0 | Normal | Normal | Normal | Flat | None |
1 | Hypopigmented | Pink | Supple | < 2mm | Occasional |
2 | Mixed | Red | Yielding | 2-5mm | Requires medication |
3 | Hyperpigmented | Purple | Firm | > 5mm | |
4 | Ropes | ||||
5 | Contracture |
Vancouver Scar Scale疤痕測量尺的Baryza修改版:
在2000年,Nedelce B又修改了VSS,將柔軟度簡化為4級,但將疤痕高度細分成4級2,總分仍為14分,並再加上痛及癢的主觀評估。
Vancouver Scar Scale疤痕測量尺的Nedelce修改版:
*Pain and itching are also assessed and documented usually using the 0-10 scale
關於這個modified version of the Vancouver Scar Scale,Forbes-Duchart於2007年發表一篇研究,結論是當評估燒傷疤痕的治療結果時,只有MVSS的總分能被採信,而個別項目評分的信度是很低的3,因此當某個洋蔥除疤產品根據某項研究宣稱其雖無法降低疤痕高度及柔軟度,但是可以淡疤時,我們可能需要重新思考其所代表的意義。
1. Baryza MJ, Baryza GA. The Vancouver Scar Scale: an administration tool and its interrater reliability. J Burn Care Rehabil 1995; 16:535-538.
2. Nedelec B, Shankowsky HA, Tredget EE. Rating the resolving hypertrophic scar: comparison of the Vancouver Scar Scale and scar volume. J Burn Care Rehabil 2000; 21:205-212.
3. Forbes-Duchart L, Marshall S, Strock A et al. Determination of inter-rater reliability in pediatric burn scar assessment using a modified version of the Vancouver Scar Scale. J Burn Care Res 2007; 28:460-467.